"Ocean Salinity Uncovered: A Journey Through Earth Erosion and Evaporation".
Early decay: To understand the origin of ocean salinity, we must go back to Earth's ancient past. About four billion years ago, our planet was a fiery cauldron of molten rock. As it cooled, rain began to fall, creating the first oceans. In these primitive times, the land was full of minerals and salts accumulated over the ages. As rainwater washed over this mineral-rich terrain, it carried a cargo of dissolved salts into the nascent ocean. Water Dance: As the millennia passed, the Earth's surface continued to evolve. The dance of water over the landscape shapes the landscape, creating river valleys, canyons and mountains. With each rainfall, the water erodes the rocks, slowly breaking them into smaller particles. These particles, laden with minerals, travel in rivers and streams, beginning a timeless journey to the ocean. Rivers: Carriers of Nature: Rivers act as carriers of Earth's geologic history, transporting large quantities of dissolved minerals to the sea. The Amaz...